Thursday, 6 March 2008

learning to be.

Today I started to learn an invaluable lesson, that which is Learning To Be. Learning that being in God's presence is enough, that's all he asks for me, that I may be still and know that he is God. And that i don't need to run myself dry trying to impress him, or anyone else for that matter, but learn to be. learn to be in his presence, be still, find him in the whisper.
God taught this to a friend who then taught me.

On last Saturday, two of my girlie friends had slept over, Naomi and Chrissy. We had done some amazing releasing of things on Friday night and spent some quality time with God and also had a lot of giggles, which included putting ridiculous make-up on each other and pulling silly faces for the camera. After getting to bed rather later, we woke up quite late the next morning and due to that I thought we'll have bacon rolls because it was more brunch time then breakfast. Due to eating the bacon rolls Chrissy had got some bacon stuck in her tooth and so asked me if I had any dental floss, my reply was it's in the bathroom downstairs (however if I was a good host I would have got it for her!) and Chrissy walked out my room, and the next thing i hear is a bang so i run out my room which is at the top of the stairs to find Chrissy falling down the stairs, whilst tryingt to grab on the rough beams on the side. When Chrissy finally reached the bottom, which seemed like hours later, I could see from the top of the stairs there was blood on her hands, and anyone who knows me, knows that me and blood don't go well together! I called Nay and realised Chrissy wasn't responding to me and needed me, with or without blood. I ran (carefully!) to the bottom of the stairs, to find she was half in reality half out of it, what does chartiy do in these circumstances she panics!! I ran to my mummy who then came to Chrissy.
To cut this part of the story a little shorter we phoned the ambulance and that resulted in Chrissy, Nay and myself spending over four hours in the hospital by Chrissy's side.
Chrissy has a track record of bad back problems, three herneated discs to be spercific and since then has been in a lot of pain which has resulted in her having to lie flat on her back. (getting to my point now..) The last five day's chrissy has been lying flat, trying to work out what to do with herself. And it dauned on her, God just so wanted to spend time with her, with her just being, so much that he needed to let her fall down the stairs in order for her to have to spend time with him.
she felt him in a totally new way today, in a way that was washing over her. She looked so beautiful today, not because of hair, make-up or clothes, but so stunning when she described her new encounter with God.
She learnt to be.


Levi_grafted_in said...

hey. i totally agree with that :-) we get so busy we refuse to acknowledge the whisper. it's hard to let go sometimes and rest in his acceptance but doing so is the only way of living with both joy and peace.

Levi_grafted_in said...

ps this is matt :-)